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Architecture in Civil Engineering

Architecture in Civil Engineering

Civil engineers and architects complement each other’s' work. An architect takes care of the design and shape of a building whereas a civil engineer takes care of the technical nitty-gritty like the strength of the building. Architecture is art; civil engineering is more about physics
The primary focus of an architect remains on the aesthetic appearance of a building. Architecture is closely related to Civil Engineering, and as recently as a few decades ago, there were no architects as a separate profession at all. Properly implemented concepts of architecture ensure that a building is not just strong, but that it looks good and takes care of the comfort of the inhabitants as well. A civil engineer need not bother about the looks, design, in-house lighting, greenery, and other things when an architect is around. That leaves him with the primary job of making a building stable and strong. Other than mastering the concepts of architecture, an architect is supposed to have a basic knowledge of structural engineering as well.

The World of Architecture: Functions of an Architect, Scope, and Advancements

An architect is just not a helping hand to the civil engineer, but much more than that. The planning and designing of any construction project is incomplete without the input of an architect. The establishment of buildings and land with reference to functional and aesthetic requirements is a primary function of an architect. Architectural science has become a vast subject, and today we have architecture styles of different kinds. Urban architecture, rural architecture, contemporary architecture, and modern architecture are some of the styles that are studied across the globe. The inclusion of software tools like 3D Max, Maya, CAD, and CAM has made things easier for both the civil engineers and architects because graphical representation of any kind of work always adds efficiency and better understanding.


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