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How a Hybrid Electric Water Heater is Useful in Your Home

Hybrid electric, or heat pump, water heaters supply hot water and do it more economically (and ecologically) than other types of water heaters.


Water heating is a thermodynamic process in which water is heated from any external heat source that has a greater temperature than that of water. The development of the hybrid electrical water heater is an effort to make the water heating process eco-friendly and reduce power consumption.
This water heating system can be used in both space cooling and water heating. It extracts heat from the surroundings and transfers that heat to the water. In other words we can say that, it is a device that can transfer heat from air to water and this is its main principle.
As a heat pump, the system is better to use in warm places in order to get a higher quantity of heat. However, this does not mean that it cannot work properly in conditioned places. A hybrid electric water heater can work at temperature as low as 40 F. When used in a conditioned place, it works like an air conditioner- removing heat from the air and transferring it to the water. During the heating season, this means that the house's furnace is taking some of the load for heating water with these systems. (If not installed in the same position as an existing water heater, high voltage supply current will be need to provided.)

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