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Strengthening the Security Components

     Errorists have become smart and they often make use of the weak links in our society. Strengthening the security components has become very important to avoid loss of life and property. Following are the four important aspects of our building security that need to be made foolproof to avoid terrorist activities and minimize blast injury and damage.   
  1. Deception Be as smart as the terrorists; use deceptive cover techniques to protect your building from unwanted surveillance. 
  2. Intelligence means acting street smart in case any emergency situation arises. It not only means employing security guards, but it also includes organizing disaster mitigation workshops for the occupants of buildings so that they know about safe havens, how to use stairwells, and other safe practices.
  3. Structural Hardening of vulnerable components of the building will also help in minimizing blast damage.
  4. Operational Protection includes perimeter protection and equipping buildings with surveillance technology.

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