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How to Build an Inverter part 2 of 2

Circuit Description

To better understand how to build an inverter, it is important to learn how the circuit functions through nthe following steps:
  • Gates N1 and N2 of IC 4049 are configured as an oscillator. It performs the primary function of supplying square waves to the inverter section.
  • Gates N3... N6 are used as buffers so that the circuit is not load dependant.
  • Alternating voltage from the buffer stage is applied to the base of the current amplifier transistors T1 and T2. These transistors conduct in accordance with the applied alternating voltage and amplifies it to the base of the output transistors T3 and T4.

  • These output power transistors oscillate at a full swing, delivering the entire battery voltage into the each half of the secondary winding alternately.

  • This secondary voltage is induced in the primary winding of the transformer and is stepped-up into a powerful 230 volts (AC). This voltage is used to power the output load.

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